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Zhengzhou CY Scientific Instrument tour Millennium City Park

Mar. 11, 2019

As the company’s sales team completed the scheduled performance target with excellent results in November, in order to reward all employees for their unremitting efforts in recent times, create a healthy and progressive corporate culture atmosphere. Zhengzhou Chengyue Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd. in 2018 On December 15th, all the employees of the company were organized to go to Millennium City Park to experience the prosperity of the Song Dynasty.

The event aims to enrich the cultural life of employees and enhance the spirit of collaboration between the company's departments. The company attached great importance to this event, and the heads of several departments made detailed and detailed arrangements for the entire tourism activity in advance.

In order to enrich our journey, we have also prepared a wealth of entertainment activities. Every employee is proactive in performing various talent shows. The beauty first shows the tongue twister for everyone. The handsome guy sings the song and simulates the performance of various animals. they wins everyone's applause.Zhengzhou CY Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.

The journey was full of laughter

Zhengzhou CY Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.      

On a cheerful journey, we took the bus to the Millennium City Park. First, we watched various performances in the park. The ancient magic show, Yue Fei gun picks Xiaoliangwang, Liangshan Haohan saved Song Jiang, Bao zheng decide a case, etc. every show is very exciting. Among them, the Pyankung’s richest man Wang Yuanwai was selecting a husband for his daughter ,which attracts the attention of many colleagues. As long as they catch the hydrangea of Miss Wang, they can achieve "the godsend marriage". In the morning, the company's male colleagues regretted that they could not grab Miss Wang's hydrangea. So at noon, everyone discussed and set a goal: to grab another one. In the afternoon, Fei Ge lived up to the expectations and finally grabbed the hydrangea thrown by Miss Wang. He achieved what his wishes to be Wang’s “son-in-low”, and everyone left the Wang family with satisfaction. From this we can see that as long as we have confidence and set clear goals, everyone will work together complete the task.

Zhengzhou CY Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.

In Millennium City Park, we can not only see all kinds of performances, but also a variety of amusement facilities for everyone to play. Everyone released their nature in the amusement park and returned to innocence. In the companion play, it not only enhances the mutual communication and communication between employees, but also enhances the team awareness and cohesiveness of the team, and fully shows the good and positive spirit of the employees of the company.

Zhengzhou CY Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.

Happy play in the park

Zhengzhou CY Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd.

"SunYungShop" to enjoy the local cuisine of Kaifeng.

The time spent playing is always very fast. The joyful journey of the day, although we feel a little tired, we feel very happy. During the tour, everyone relaxed their body and mind, eased the pressure brought by work and life, reflected the vitality of Evergreen's team and enhanced the feelings between colleagues.

I believe that in the future work, employees will devote themselves to their jobs with more full enthusiasm, and contribute their strength to the company's vigorous development!

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